Monday, April 21, 2008

IM AZ in numbers...

4 -- months of training.
15 -- outdoor rides.
3 -- rides over 5 hours.
1 -- pre race swim in the wetsuit (and it was in a pool!).
2 -- rides up mt. lemmon.
95 -- degrees farenheit.
25 -- mph winds.
18 -- percent DNF (including Frank).
1200 -- calories of Infinit on the bike.
8 -- bottles of water.
1/2 -- cliff bar (gingerbread...yummi).
1 -- pee while riding.
4 -- minutes in the sin bin.
10 -- Saltstick capsules on the bike.
300 -- calories of Infinit on the run.
6 -- Saltstick capsules on the run.
20 -- cups of coke (didn't all go in my mouth).
4 -- sticks of gum.
40 -- sponges (2 at each water stop).
1,000,000 -- cups of ice.
6 -- moments of shade.
0 -- gels.
1 -- potty stop (for a #2).
1 -- untied shoe (first time not using Yanks).
15 -- visits to the potty post race (questionably # 2's).
1 -- blister.
2 -- square centimeters of missing skin "down there".
140.6 -- miles travelled.
2 -- nd amateur female.
1 -- long awaited kona spot.

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